Marc Elrich Endorsed by MCGEO, Presents First 90 Days Financial To-Do List

Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Marc Elrich Endorsed by MCGEO,
Presents First 90-Day Financial To-Do List
SILVER SPRING, Md._ On April 4, Local 1994 of the United Food and Commercial Workers, also known as the Municipal and County Government Employees Organization, or MCGEO, officially endorsed Marc Elrich for Montgomery County Executive at a press conference. MCGEO said they support Elrich and will mobilize members to get Elrich elected because of his shared vision for both how to build a better society and how to improve operations in county government.
At the endorsement announcement, Elrich discussed his First 90 Days Financial To-Do List, which fleshes out how he will initiate a long-term financial plan, increase the net profit contribution from the Department of Liquor Control, assess the appropriateness of county reserve levels, improve data practices, review non-competitive county contracts, establish an innovation fund, increase government accountability, and develop budgets that prioritize spending and ensure that the county meets financial commitments in a sustainable way. It also highlights how he would begin a structural review of county departments in partnership with MCGEO and other county unions. Elrich and the unions plan to work together to change the way the county approaches vacancies, implement a labor-management partnership called gainsharing (in which both parties agree on targets for improving performance and reducing cost and everyone receives a share of the savings generated), and make services more efficient.
“Our employees are on the front lines of providing services and have great ideas about how to make county government work better for everyone,” Elrich said. “I will make it a priority to listen to them and ensure that our processes and practices make sense, which will help us better deliver the results residents want and deserve at a reduced cost. We intend to find the resources within our current system to address our rising needs and pivot people and capital to affordable housing, transportation, education, and other important services.”
“Marc Elrich has proven to be a strong advocate for working families in Montgomery County and we believe he will continue as a strong ally for them as County Executive," said Local 1994 President Gino Renne. “Throughout his public service career, Marc has proven that he is willing to listen to Local 1994’s members who are on the front line providing public services to Montgomery County residents. His ability to be receptive to new ideas and to work hand-in-hand with the workforce will serve the people of Montgomery County well.”
Marc Elrich has been an at-large Montgomery County Councilmember since 2006. He chairs the Public Safety Committee, serves on the Education Committee, and is the County Council’s representative to the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Transportation Planning Board. Prior to his election to the County Council, he served on the Takoma Park City Council for 19 years and taught at Rolling Terrace Elementary School for 17 years. For more information, see
Media Contact:
Ben Spielberg, Campaign Manager
Authorized by: Marc Elrich for County Executive; Dale Tibbitts, Treasurer; 9511 St. Andrews Way, Silver Spring, MD 20901